Surveillance and Forecasting are important aspects of integrated pest management. Surveillance or monitoring means close and usually constant observation of a object i.e. a crop or pest.
The Plant Protection Wings of the Director of Agriculture & Food Production, Odisha in collaboration with NIC,OUAT and NRRI continuing their effort for surveillance of 8 crops like Paddy, Mung, Biri, Arhar, G Nut, Mustard, Sugarcane, & Cotton in online system called e-Pest surveillance and Pest Management. But after the wide use of smart phone and popularization of mobile app it is felt that the e-pest surveillance may be modified to mobile app to make more effective and farmers friendly. To fill that a app has been developed by NIC.
I feel this app will create a new era in the history of Pest Surveillance. I wish all success to the endeavors of our stake holders for this end.